Dominic Roque


Maraming mga gwaping na sexy actors at showbiz wannabes ang rumampa sa MOA event ng Bench pero para sa amin, unmatched ang sex appeal at yumminess (yumminess raw talaga, o! Harharharharhar!) ng teenage actor na si Dominic Roque.

60 to 70% kasi ng mga kalalakihan sa ngayon ay top heavy na maituturing.

Meaning, their upper torso are perfectly impressive but their butts and legs are not in anyway proportionate to their heavily muscled body.

Sa true, Dominique is blessed with the shapeliest gams I’ve ever seen.

Honestly, molang-mola ang kanyang dating at napakagandang lalaki rin niya.

On top of that, hes been blessed with the most unblemished skin tone I’ve ever seen.

Give him a little more time at kakabogin niya ang mga reigning hunks sa event na ‘yan.


Promise raw talaga, o! Harharharharharhar!

Dominique Roque